I'm trying to add a poster to a wooden plank fence, I'd like to use the roughness map from the fence texture to make the poster look like it's wheat pasted on the fence.
I copied the roughness map from the "rough planks" twinmotion material and pasted it as the roughness map on the poster material and it gives the desired effect but the scale is off. The texture on the fence is scaled to 2.0 but the roughness maps on the poster stays scaled at 1.0. Is there a way to scale and reposition a roughness map without rescaling/repositioning the material so I can get the roughness map up to 2.0 while keeping the poster material at 1.0?
Alternatively is there a way to extract the roughness map from twinmotion so I can edit it in Photoshop to scale to 200% and reimport?
Also open to other approaches if anyone has a quick trick to get the desired effect.
Example showing poster scaled properly but roughness map too small.
Example with roughness map scaled/positioned to right size/position but poster is too big.