Every single mesh I import, it ALWAYS says it’s so small. In Unity it’s usually a decent size. But in Unreal Engine 4, I can only see it if I zoom in to the scene VERY closely, and I usually have to select the specific object and set the scale to 64.00+ on all axis. Why can’t I just do it to the mesh itself in Unreal Engine 4, for example clicking on it and setting the scale of the mesh itself to 64.00 so all objects using the mesh start at that scale.
You can do it - open your mesh, and under “Build Settings” there is “Build Scale” option. There you can resize the mesh in all 3 axes. Remember to click “Apply Changes” after setting a new scale.
hi ronanzer0,
when you import your mehses as an fbx you can scale them up, by editing the unform scale. As far as I know this is only possible when importing, so you may have to reimport you meshes manually.
I dont know if this setting is available when importing an other format.
This is actually what I needed to adjust the scale of meshes that I purchased on the marketplace so thank you but if you have the source FBX files, then the Import Uniform Scale is the easiest option. Also, you should set the scale in your modeling program to match the scale of UE4 which is to use centimeters.
Could you please accept one of the answers, if it helped? Thank you!
This is exactly the solution that Slavq gave already.
Apologies, I came across that video while looking for a solution my self. I also came across this answer hub post and thought I’d link the video; I didn’t actually get a chance to try it out though.
Again sorry.
No answer can be accepted because there is no clear answer on how to simply resize and then save a mesh as a file in your content browser.
Why is everything so overly complicated in Unreal is beyond me.
I found the Scale section under build and wasn’t working for me, and that’s how I ended up here! specifically the Remember bit which I didn’t do ><… thanks a lot ofr not leaving that important easily missed detail
For me the best way (as for Unreal 5.3) was to use a tool in Modeling Mode → XForm → Bake Transform. It can also bake rotation of the mesh.
This is an excellent tip! Thank you, Fort!
Many thanks for the pointing to this option during import. It worked perfectly!
I am surprised I need to go through this to do it (I want to avoid re importing mesh) but so far this is the only working option for me (unreal 5.3).
Some others ways could work with a new blueprint but at least your solution really focus on the mesh.