I’m trying to recreate a similar camera/aim system as the one in re2 remake (this one [Resident Evil 2 Tips for a awesome Rating Plus Critical Headshots - YouTube][1] )
but for the life of me, i can’t seem to get the camera boom and ads camera and the character to line up properly.
My main issue is that the character keeps rotating when i move it around, while in re2 seems like the camera is rotated to look at at the camera forward vector in the distance(plus some rotations to give it an interesting view angle)
Ive tried putting a look at in the event tick just to test it out and using the camera forward vector*5000 and the skeletal mesh world rotation as the start of the find look at rotation but i still can’t get it to work.
I think i might also have some settings in the boom and the character wrong for this
im only testing using the cameraboomADS/camera ADS at the moment to get this right. MY character has aim offsets that I’d like to kinda follow the crosshair
could u post please a screenshot of the settings? I can’t find rotation yaw in the charactermovement component(or was it in the player controller) and also which one is “controller rotation” in the camera boom?
and also, how can i rotate the boom? I can only rotate the child camera
thanks, thats how i had it set up after you commented last time. My issue actually still persisted, but i was able to figure out it was my blendspace(walk) that was causing the issue. I had to limit her blendspace rotation in the animationbP to prevent her from swaying too far. Now i need to figure out how to do the weapon lag (i do have a bit from the animation blending, but id like to get more of it )