Resetting Preview Rendering Level after changing it causes crash on boot

I tried changing my “Preview Rendering Level” to “Android Vulkan”, and it crashed the editor. Now opening my project crashes. Source control indicates that I haven’t made any changes.

Does anyone know where this setting exists? Registry? Some where else?

I’m hoping I don’t need to nuke my setup from orbit in order to get back to being able to open my project.

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Found the settings are stored under:

These were ignored in my .gitignore.

What I did was:

  1. back up everything under Saved\Config\Windows, then delete everything in that folder.

  2. Open the project (this succeeded, but I lost many need settings for building and launching to the Oculus Quest. This regenerated the files we moved.)

  3. Close the project again

  4. Fix the .gitignore to whitelist these files.

# ignore everything under saved
#then unignore the config folder
#then ignore everything in the config folder
5. Copy the backed up files back to where they were except for EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
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Thanks for the help! This fixed the issue for me. Same situation for me with Oculus Quest development. I’m developing in a Windows VM, so I bet the crash is due to unimplemented Vulkan drivers.

Glad it was able to help!

Working in a VM must be rough, but I can see how you can make it work having been in a similar situation for a long while.

I just got my Vulkan preview working after I tried again after moving to 4.26. This has dramatically improved my inner dev loop when I’m iterating on materials and particle effects.

My project kept crashing on startup so i used your advice but tried to only delete the EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini and it worked like a charm.

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Before changing to the Android Vulkan Preview, open the Editor Preferences and search for “Vulkan”, then enable it. It will them work just fine.

But if you’re already having crashes and can’t open the project, go the the folder /Saved/Config/WindowsEditor and delete just the “EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini” file. It will then open just fine, so you can do the steps above.

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Thank you guys!!
Just saved here!
I found an even easier solution here:
In case you don’t want to delete and loose any of your settings, but just be able to open your project again without the preview:

Open the file EditorPerProjectUserSettings and delete all lines starting with Preview…

This solution doesn’t work for this exact problem happening again on 5.5.1.