Resetting Camera with Left Trigger (3rd Person Example)

I wanted to trigger the camera to reset in the 3rd person example when the left trigger is pressed, I know that in the example you get InputAxis but I can’t find out how to reset the camera’s position and rotation behind the character. I didn’t get very far (Literally), but this is what I have at the moment:


Get the camera actor and ‘get’ it, then you want to be setting it’s transforms on the button press, so right click and find ‘set transform’, plug your camera into that, you might want to find the current transform of the mesh it is following, so you can further ‘get actor transform’ then add your own offset to it with a vector.

That should give you enough of a push in the right direction for you to play around with nodes and variables :slight_smile:

Check out the really helpful epic blueprint tutorials too.
If you are still struggling after that, dissect the content example stuff to see how they have done it.

Cheers! I’ve managed to reset the camera, but it appears in the characters head. I’ve tried to create an offset, but there’s no way to create an offset vector from the resetting of the camera to the player.

Alternative question - How do I attach an offset to a “Set View Target”?