Resetting cam Start position after Matinee plays

Hi all,

I have a scene where when I click on a button a Matinee clip moves my camera position, after this I have the option of going back to the main view which is a Character. I can then go back in and do the same thing again if I wanted however when I do the camera position has been moved by the Matinee. I have tried a few different options, one of them being rewind after play. this lets you play the camera moment again but the initial start is at the end of the Matinee clip. I don’t understand it and i’ve not been using Matinee before today so any help would be very helpful as I’m getting my rage on here haha

Have you tried saving the current camera offset to a variable before it plays, and just resetting to it at the end? Or making the initial camera setting a function that is called at the start of the game, then just call it again after the matinee plays.

Couple idea’s for you.

Thanks , will give them ago!

Or use a separate camera actor.