Reset Orientation and Position Once

Hello guys,

Let’s start with some context. My game is using VR. When a player launch my game, they are teleported to a “Startup” map, where an HUD appears and allows them to login. If the login is successfull, they connect to my dedicated server using the “Execute console command” node, and are teleported to a new map hosted by the server.

What I want is to reset my Pawn’s orientation and position when they connect to the dedicated server, so my Pawn’s orientation match my PlayerStart’s orientation, even if the player moved his camera inside the Startup map.

To do so, i’m calling the “Reset Orientation and Position” node inside my Event BeginPlay. In this way, orientation is reset every time a player connects to a new map. But my issue is that Event BeginPlay is also called when an other player connects to the dedicated server, so every time somebody connects to the dedicated server, everyone’s orientation is reset.

So now I’m asking : how can I manage to call this node only once by player, when they connect to a new map.

Thank you for your time !

Use the “Reset Orientation” node inside the level blueprint worked.

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