Reset blueprint execution to beginning of a graph (latent actions)


I am implementing interruptable latent-blueprint-nodes in c++ for an ai-state-graph and having problems to “reset” a blueprint-graph after processing a latent-node.

Basically I have found a way to make a latent-node to end immediately after firing an external signal, but I also want to start the execution again from the very start-node in the graph.

Does anyone know, if there is a way to reset the codeexecution to the beginning of a graph, for example the tick-event? It is not easy to understand the blueprint c++ implementation.

I guess it should could be possible to reset the graph without recreating the complete actor or component.

Can anyone perhaps point me in the right direction ?


I could solve this by a custom latent “AI-Start”-node. If any of the latent nodes are interrupted, execution always continues at that node. FExecutionInfo::LinkID is the member I needed to have a look at

Here’s an answer I just posted, Answer. You could use the interupt/failed output exec to loop back around to the of your graph.