Research in Neuroscience using VR and HTC Vive Pro

Hello all,

We are neuroscientists doing research on motion sickness. For an experiment, we need to use a VR headset showing an environment while the subject is placed on a moving platform.
The twist is, the environment that is seen by the subject should not be moving according to the actual movements of the platform, we need to be able to control what the subject is seeing. Let’s say increase or decrease the angles of tilts the headset senses.
I think we need to access the gyroscope of the headset for this? Or also the whole area detected by the sensors? How do I do that? If you have suggestions that would be appreciated, and would help science! :slight_smile:

I am using HTC Vive Pro, I know it’s a rather old one but this is what we have for now.

Spawn in another camera at the same position of the camera from your VR pawn, SetViewTargetWithBlend and than play around with that camera (TInterp to camera position with lower speed for lag, check for camera angle between a range, …) Imgur: The magic of the Internet