Rescaling Level

I built a roller-ball game level that was quite a bit smaller in dimensions than the ball. I scaled down the ball but it resulted in an unpredictable game controller with much weirdness. if scaling is the issue is there any quick and easy way to rescale my level?

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The solution I think is using an Utility Editor Widget (let me know if you don’t know it and I can make a simple video showing you how to make one).

add this code to a button:

I tested and works


before clicking:

after clicking:

downside: it ACTUALLY scales everything. That means that an 1.0 scaled actor in the scene
will be 1.2 on scale once you run this script with 120% scale.

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Can you not just select all of your level actors in the level outliner and increase their scaling from there? A video would be super-helpful. This is the second time you helped me out in one day itself, I am thankful and grateful for your help!

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problem with selecting all and scale is that each actor has its own scale so if you have one actor with scale 1 and others with scale 3.2 and you select and set all , you will put all the actors the same scale value…my approach is create a dummy actor, attach all the actors in the scene that are not attached to others (‘root actors’) and I attach to this dummy actor, then I just scale the dummy actor to the desired value and then I just destroy the dummy actor and you are set

here we go

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That’s definitely true if you hard set the scale, however, if you select multiple actors and and scale from viewport you will get relative scale will you not? (meaning using the viewport scaling gimbal)

That’s not to say that the solution you proposed doesn’t work, or isn’t clever, because it does and it is…just feels a bit heavy handed for an overall level scaling issue if it can be done from the editor viewport. That statement of course assumes that my approach above actually works :slight_smile: …I don’t have the editor in front of me (for shame!!)

When you have actors attached in the scene, like an actor attached to the other actor, the ‘parent’ actor scale will literally MOVE the child actor in the scene. not just scale it. ant that is an issue…having a root parent actor to do a global adjustment of all (scale and position) is easier

Ahhh, that’s what I’m missing then. My approach, while more straightforward on the surface, will result in the need to physically move each actor post scaling so that their position is correct relative to the original location…resulting in more work in the end.

Thanks for the clarification!!


can you do a full video explaing things ? Could you please make video ( tutorial) of this to show how this widget was made ? it will be really helpful for me.

Sure here is it :slight_smile:

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My lights in the scene are not scaling with this utility, Do you have any idea how to do that.
Because i want my light also to be scaled and positioned with my scene

meybe casting the actor and if it is a light then ,multiply its light properties (intensity, falloff, etc ?)