i’ve some huge problems with distortion in my landscape. as you can see on the image below it has some huge streching when it comes to some higher areas. i started my landscape sculpt with the basic settings but it seems to me that i can’t change the size later on. my idea was to sculpt all roughly and then add later on more resolution to it to keep the performance up high.
i tryed the different component size options to get to a higher resolution but i still wont go over 511x511.
There is no way to increase/decrease per pixel area unfortunately, as that would have to be done inside a modeling app or similar software and export out to a format ue4 can bring in ( raw, png 16 bit), but given I"ve not done that for sometime, I’m not positive you would get what you’re after.
ie: In blender you can create your landscape ( again never tested to see if resolution ( say dynamic sculpting, etc. etc.) per area would work) , and then follow tuts to make ‘heightmap’ , on youtube or similar sites. Other 3d apps, whether maya , max etc., no doubt have very similar workflows so consult those as per package.