Resale of assets on external sites by dishonest cowards

Hello everyone,

Currently researching why my asset sales are dropping all of a sudden.
I came across forums, external sites that offer the assets available on the Unreal Marketplace.
These people have no qualms about reselling assets created by other people.
When we consult the number of views, it is hundreds/thousands of views of the assets on each site.
Do you have an idea to protect yourself from these dishonest cowards?

Some examples of these sites:

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I totally agree.

I don’t know who is worse, the people who set these sites up, who presumably have such a massive hole in their ego, they hope everyone will think they’re ‘cool’. Or the people who upload stuff, because originally, I assume, they paid for it.

It’s just like stealing music. If somebody likes the artist, they’re basically putting them out of a job. They probably won’t make the connection.

I know a lot of people who think this kind of thing is ‘normal’. But it’s the same as somebody supplying a key that opens any lock. So you go round random people’s houses and steal their stuff, and they say something like ‘but I didn’t break in’ :rofl:

Very different with the guy with the key comes to your house…

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