I find it hard to figure out how to do reroute nodes for Map type arrays. I think it is implemented somehow since i’ve managed to do a wildcard reroute for an Array Map once or twice, but now i can’t remember how i did it.
Is there any supposed way to do them or is it just a bug that i can’t create them in the easy way all other reroutes work?
How i think it is supposed to work:
Create an actor blueprint.
Add a Variable of type integer.
Change the variable type from Single to Map (Dictionary)
Change the Map type to integer or something.
Drag the variable out to event and select Get
Place a new node from the pin so you get the search thingy.
Searching for “reroute” isnt finding it.
But im pretty sure it is supposed to be something there since i’ve managed to do it once upon a time:
…just wish i remembered how xP