Requesting assistance on Radial Menu - BPTryMultiUse is not firing - please help

So i figure what I’m trying to do is pretty basic because there are multiple mods out there that do this, but for the life of me I can’t seem to figure out how to do this.


  • trying to add a radial option to an existing dino via a buff.
  • If I add this directly to the dino BP, it works, but don’t want to do that as it wouldn’t be a stackable mod then, so figured best method is to create a buff, apply the buff to the dino,and have the multiuse within the buff.


  • the BPGetMultiUse entries within the buff are firing fine. it’s adding the new menu perfectly during my tests.
  • ISSUE is that the BPTryMultUse never fires when the menu item is selected.

I really don’t know if I’m doing this wrong, or what the deal is. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

screenshots of what I’m having an issue with are attached. thanks in advance.