[Request] Scroll-wheel zoom camera on top-down example

Can someone make a tutorial on how to make a scroll-wheel zoom on the camera for the top-down example?

There is a video tutorial on this for third person but i dont remember who made it. But it is simple really; you just set the location of the camera with every Pressed input of mouse wheel up and down by adding/subtracting values to the Z axis. Or you can set the FOV instead of setting its location.



And dont forget to clamp the values like i did to any value you like so that you dont get crazy FOV as you wheel up.

Thanks, but I cant find the “set field-of-view and target” component in the list. I typed set, but it dosent show up. Is that a custom component?

Drag from camera node and type field of view, then you’ll see set and get nodes. The one with Target input is Get Field of View.

I dont find “camera node” anywhere. I checked “My Character” and “My Controller”. What do I do wrong?

This is my setup for camera scroll zoom, it uses an “Spring Arm” with a “Camera” attached to it. You get the Target Arm Length nodes from the Arm Spring 1 node.

Im only missing the two small nodes. How do I set those? http://s26.postimg.org/q97kgyuhl/Scrollwheel_Zoom.jpg

Third Person to First Person camera zoom system

It’s float - float and float + float.

If anyone is having trouble getting this to work, here is my BP.
Inputs would only trigger in the Controller Blueprint for some reason, even after enabling them.

I finished the blueprint but it didnt work: http://s26.postimg.org/xck1abpax/Scrollwheel_Zoom2.jpg
@insideitall, is that for the topdown template?

Open up the blueprint called MyController as that’s the one used as default for third person. Go to the tab “Defaults”, scroll down to “Input” and uncheck “Block Input”.

Thanks, now it works! :smiley: What if I now want to make the camera act like Age Of Empire 3 camera?

I haven’t played Age of Empires 3 in quite some time, but is there anything special with that camera? Or are you just asking about moving the camera when the mouse reaches the edge of the screen?

Yes, like this camera: http://youtu.be/7Hjly04H4Ls

Do you know if this can be archived with UE4?

So this should work, there are some comments in the blueprint file and it could probably be made to look nicer. But hey it works so, who cares. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9876544/MyCharacterCameraEdgeScroll.uasset Hopefully it works to just drop in your project. If you don’t want to download that file or it doesn’t work, I can take some printscreens of it and share with you instead.

Thanks, it works :slight_smile: But I want it to be like this: http://youtu.be/mXjKlqCe6XE (Hospital Tycoon) , when he zooms at 13:48. What values do you think I can set in your blueprint for that?

I would do something like this; https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9876544/MyCharacterCameraEdgeScroll.uasset You can play around with the clamp and - + values to get different feels to it.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!