Request: Save option disabled while simulating/playing

When playing, there is only this light yellowish frame around the main view.
It happens quite often, that I just do not realize after a few hours that I am simulating and I press save or save all.

Then the system completely clogs up!

Make a **BIG RED FRAME **around the editor window when simulating.
Or **DISABLE **the save command altogether while simulating.

Edit: Great…I just got it up and running and the file is corrupted and won’t open anymore. Man, really, don’t leave pitfalls like that open in the stuff. I do not need your ‘only good for pretty looks’ engine for free, if I get hammered by stuff like that. Just disable the Save option while playing in the editor or have some clear indication that it is playing.

Hey PolyPlant-

I’ve submitted a feature request to have the save option be disabled while simulating or while in Play In Editor (UE-11662).
