[request] pressing Spacebar for naming automatic _ insersion

I don’t know how limited this would be due to windows, but would it be possible for rocket to auto inset a _ or - when pressing the spacebar for nameing things like materials? since we can have spaces in names, its easy to sometimes forget that you can use them so automaticly inserting a spacer would be useful

Hi Marc,

I am a little confused by this:

“since we can have spaces in names, its easy to sometimes forget that you can use them”

Because you cannot have spaces. Attempting to name an asset with a space gives the following message:


Can you please clarify?


Hi, yea thats what i meant to say sorry for the confusion, since it does that, could it automaticly just put a _ or - instead of a space to save the time to go back and put it in manually?

Thanks for clarifying. I have entered your request.


just to let you know in udk, if you are in matinee editor and name a new group and do something like “mouth open” it will actually automatically enter the _ for you, so it has been done before, just not across the entire editor. its possible it does this in rocket as well, i haven’t checked though.