I guess the post-process chain and materials are not yet ready which would explain why they are not present in the current Rocket beta. Would it be possible to have a time estimation of when these features will be back ? I would love to work with those (for example to make custom Image Grain).
If could make a request about this, it would be the possibility to break down the effects. In UE3/UDK the UberPostProcess node was in charge of the Color Correction (sort-of), the Exposure, the Depth of Field, the Image grain, and so on. This made some effects impossible to be done properly (like working with a depth post-process material BEFORE the ubernode).
For example, making a custom linear fog which would benefit of the Bloom impossible in the last betas because of the fact that you had to put those materials after the uber node (otherwise the depth node would have stayed black).
PostProcessMaterials serve that purpose. You can add a postprocess material to the Blendables section in the postprocessvolume and you can insert the pass before or after tonemapping. Over time we intend to expose more points where the pass can be inserted (e.g. bloom). The SceneTexture node allows to read the GBuffer properties. Breaking down the effects a lot comes at a performance cost. We try to balance that and intend to make the uberpostprocess pass more customizable.
Ha nice, I didn’t saw/know about those Blendables slots. I was able to figure out how to make a post-process material. I noticed however that the anti-aliasing go crazy when adding a custom post-process based on the scene depth node (the shape lines of objects start flickering).
Please look at the documentation.
You can/need to adjust the setting: Before Tonemapping/ After Tonemapping
reason: flickering comes form the TemporalAA - all GBuffers and depth are constantky moving by a sub pixel to produce AA.