Request: Please allow us to make Child Blueprints of the PostProcessEffectActor

A very welcome new addition to UEFN was the addition of the Post Process device which allows us to apply post processes to specific players, this is a great feature with a lot of potential for dictating how players see the world.

It is however slightly hamstrung by the fact that it is impossible for us to set up our own Post Process effects or create and link our own Post Process materials to this as the device requires a PostProcessEffectActor which we are unable to create child blueprints of. The system will fail validation if you attempt to create a child of any of the pre-existing Post Process effects which use that actor.

I would love to be able to create my own Post Process effects, so could you please allow us to create child blueprints of that actor so that we can make even better use of the Post Process device?

@Densin Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.