If people wanna use UE4 for product/architecture visualization or rendering a short film, game optimizations like shadow quality fades and so on aren’t really needed or wanted. For these purposes a “perfect quality mode” which disables all these optimizations as well as bumps up every aspect of visual quality (shadow res etc.) would be handy.
Hi Christian,
I am putting together a “Perfect Quality Mode” feature request report. I will need some more details to better explain to the developers how this would function. Could you compare this feature to any already existing in other engines? Besides shadow quality fades, what other optimizations are impeding the render quality? Is the rendering of Matinee video different from the desired quality? Please let me know any additional details that could help with expanding on this request.
Thank you,
As for quality, the samples of AA, motion blur and real-time local reflections could be increased as well as support for high res per-object shadow maps for better self shadowing. I don’t know of any other engine that features such a “special” quality mode, you always have to go in the engine.ini and change all the variables tediously yourself. The rendering of matinee video into AVI or screenshots works fine, although I would prefer if the newly opened window would close itself automatically after it’s finished rather than throwing me in this fly around mode. The “quality mode” in general could be activated via a check box in a post-process volume, for having a real-time preview of the final image quality. If it’s too demanding for the system of the given user, it can also be activated in the create movie options as a last step before rendering the frames.