Hey guys, now it’s probably something really simple, but I’d love to have a note system where the player can pick up an object, and an image displays on the screen of what the note reads, until the player clicks a key (let’s say E).
If someone could run me through it, I’d really appreciate it.
The UMG Inventory Tutorial has everything you need to get this working.
Its true UMG the best.
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I’m really sorry to sound like an idiot, but is there any way you can give a step by step?
Maybe a video or something?
everybody has started from beginning. try to figure out some functions by yourself instead of asking for step by step. you wont understand why and what is done if you just copy. try to understand the code, try to feel it but here some steps: on pickup let the object execute an event of your char that does something like this: event graph (char) → sequence 1 → do once → create widget. sequence 2 → add widget to viewport… “E” pressed → to remove a widget do remove from parent
inside the umg widget set up a variable. let the object contain a text file or an image of the text and let the information get passed from the object to the char to the widget.
the trick is to actually save the variables inside the player ^^ cause i saw it running smooth and perfactly threw this. The widget and the object just carrying iglobal structables. (Fakes)
The UMG Inventory Tutorial is step by step. Once you complete it, you’ll have the script you need to make it work and the knowledge to go beyond.