Hi! It’s kind of annoying to have to move the camera to adjust the speed of the camera with the scroll wheel; and I don’t like having to adjust it in the top right; would be cool if ctrl+Scroll Wheel adjusted it. Maybe with a ‘guage’ slider in the bottom right that could also function like the current slider does for those who do use it. If nothing else make it so you don’t have to click a button to change the camera speed in the top right, maybe just have the slider always open. Thanks!
I would have preferred to have modifier key eg if you press Shift while pressing WASD, the speed will be boosted by 10x, likewise press Ctrl the speed will be slowed by 10x. The rest remain the same.
Why not just use the slider bar in the top right corner of the perspective window? I can’t imagine it takes more than 2 second to adjust. Though I do agree that adding a “Sprint” and a “Walk” key would be better. Maybe set to a customize-able increase and decrease too so you can tweak it how you like. Hard coded 10X up or down wouldn’t really be good either.