It would be super handy to have access to some kind of more performant OnTick event which doesn’t fire every single frame. Ideally, I’d like to be able to describe something like “Perform these not-critical-to-the-moment tasks once every X frames, or immediately if it’s been more than Y milliseconds since the last frame”.
Can’t you use Timer for this?
Ditto what he said ^^
Alternatively, you can use multigates but timers are much better. Just type “set timer” in the blueprint editor
You can use a Delegate Timer if you need to attach a specific Custom Event (and set Looping to true to call it repeatedly).
You can also use Timelines for perpetual but temporary/situational processes, and they can even output values based on graphs within them, execute delegates at specific times, loop, rewind, stop, play… you name it
No idea why I didn’t think of that, thanks! Come to think of it, a more useful request would have been a non-essential tick event that scales with available idle time, or something.