[Request] Latest Plugin Updates on the FAB Frontpage


As a long-time Unreal Engine plugin developer, I’m committed to delivering as much value as possible to my customers. This includes consistent updates that enhance features, optimize performance, and align with the latest Unreal Engine versions. I believe many developers share this commitment to providing ongoing improvements for users, which strengthens trust and adds value over time.

To support this relationship, it would be incredibly helpful if the FAB Marketplace could introduce a feature that provides extra visibility to plugins and assets with a proven track record of regular, meaningful updates. Perhaps a dedicated slot or badge could promote these assets every few months, offering creators who are actively investing in their products a fair opportunity to gain additional exposure.

This feature could encourage more developers to maintain their offerings consistently and benefit customers who prefer assets that are reliably supported and improved.

I believe it could foster a stronger, more engaged community of creators and users on the FAB Marketplace. Thanks!

I descripe it on here.

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