Request for log file tab clickable to improve issues/bug reports

Good afternoon

After doing numerous bug reports the one main thing which helps Epic is the logs for said project in question.

Although i believe they is some functionality when using the top tabs Help → Report Issue it should open the location of the logs but it does not. Also if you have raised the issue and logs are requested after the fact i think it will cause confusion.

  1. Could they be a option in the Help tab dropdown to open the location of the logs. Could be called “Project Logs” for instance. This will take you to the directory of the…

A. Project folder containing all the logs for that specific project

B. Main Logs folder and you select a project folder within for the project your working on and inside that folder will be all the logs for your project

Currently nothing is organized and its a mess so finding logs pertaining to the project is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Better organization and quick access tools ie “Project Logs” clickable option in the Help dropdown will go a long way for creators to report bugs