Request: Epic, please provide for download the old archived UDK FORUMS

Since this is a Feedback and Requests section, I am requesting and from behalf of the UE3 development/modding community , for Epic Games to kindly provide us with a download (maybe rar archive) of the archived UDK forums data .
Since the legacy UDK forums were taken down a short while ago, (they were up for a long time and I strongly believe we are all grateful for that, its understandable that they were going to be taken down at some point). They were read only , so that developers/modders/hobbyist can search for help on the thousands of topics.

I highly doubt that Epic Games have any use for these old forums and as you tend to advertise:
‘‘If You Love Something, Set It Free’’

People are really struggling to find answers to their problems just by using google cached pages of these forums…
Also, 98% of the info in those forums is actually User Created . And I strongly believe the users from back than, that are here today also, will not have any problems with the old UDK forums data/topics being shared for history preservation .

Epic staff might have noticed a decline in the legacy forums activity. As much as the community there enjoys random UE4 threads, we are still quite active. Most of us just united and moved to a discord server as without those archived forums…we can now only rely on our selves for the answers . Epic, you can fix this and show that old school way you are known for.
Its probably just a few gigabytes of info to zip pack. Please provide for download all of the archived UDK forums . The idea is for us(the community) after, with that info to try and hopefully convert it to a desktop app with a search function(or similar). So a big offline library for answers . Or maybe host it as Read Only again, if Epic Games thinks that is more appropriate / functional , obviously with all the credit provided .

With that said, I will leave the community to say their opinion if they support this initiative.

Yes bro, I support this. We should have this archived UDK Forums.


This is what is wrong with Epic Games and what butchered my loyalty and faith within them. They have not only abandoned the Unreal Way completely but now, they also betrayed it by erasing their ENTIRE Unreal games and previous Unreal Engine history.
Nevermind them destroying and deprecating other community services here, like Answer Hub, and the Scams, Reports, and Tips thread - making freelancers completely vulnerable and defenseless to scammers.

What will you gain if you are destroying all of your own history and good deeds that us the old community rely on and value so much?

I could merely forgive it if you at least provided us backups to preserve the history, yet as O_and_N stated, you give us no reprieve! This is what I meant from earlier about Epic Games not caring for us anymore from my earlier posts and threads.

UDK Veterans is our last refuge to preserve the game dev history - our history. We will continue to support everything our community hold dear.

I support the petition for Epic to release the data of the archive UDK forums for preservation and guidance material.


Sadly this is what usually happens when great company gets huge money. They slowly drift into soulless corpo direction. Happened to blizzard, bioware, nvidia, well thinking of it almost every great game dev of old, when they got big dropped virtues that made them big and rich in first place. And ones that don`t do it were evil from beginning. I worry that Epic follows same road.


I support the petition.


I also wholeheartedly support this.

Especially given that I pay Epic a percentage of my total net income each month on the back of my continuing UDK project.


And I support the petition. It doesnt cost Epic anything to release/donate the info of the archived forums .


Bumping up the thread for more users to see .

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Mr Wilbur (Jay) please help us, you have always been there in the past so again, please help us by talking to epic staff/ CEO’s to let us continue our dreams of making games! Some of us have difficulties learning new systems every 2-5 years and are happy with UDK! Please bring back some forums or at least archives, thank you…


Bumping up the thread for more users to see and express their opinion .

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After 2 weeks, a friendly bumping up the thread for more users to see and express their opinion .
And a big thank you to staff member Arran Langmead for reaching out .


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And after another 2 weeks, a friendly bumping up the thread for more users to see and express their opinion .
And a big thank you to staff member Arran Langmead for reaching out .

Hopefully, this will be fixed soon !


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I’m so annoyed at this because I could have easily mirrored the entire legacy forums via HTTrack but for some reason it didn’t come to my mind before it was too late. I’m hopeful that at least someone mirrored the whole site before it was taken down


Its been a few months, but hope doesn’t die and is free, so a new friendly bump and hopefully, a kind Epic employee will see this, help us out with this by landing us a hand . The UDK veteran discord server is already at 70+ active users and growing, so I’m having hope for the new 2024 .
We are here .