Request: DataTable assets and Verse APIs for that are needed.

Hi Epic,

As the subject suggests, could you consider providing DataTables and related Verse APIs, similar to those in Unreal Engine?

Currently, when defining various data such as character dialogue text, animations, and NPC behavior schedules in a DataTable-like manner, I have to either write directly in Verse or set it via the Details tab on instances in the level. However, these methods are inefficient, and if changes are made in Verse, the data set through the Details tab may be lost.

I’m currently developing various systems that can withstand medium-scale games, but the lack of DataTables makes development highly inefficient.

I’d greatly appreciate your consideration of implementing DataTables in the future.

Thank you!

Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Hi Yuya! So great to hear from you. The team is looking into this, thank you for your feedback.

Your welcome, Flak!

If any testing is needed, I would be happy to participate if invited to the Creator Feedback Program :slight_smile:

Thank you for your confirm, every time!

Upvoting this topic, this would be incredibly useful in terms of balancing stuff out without having to touch every device.