Request: Could you consider making SizeMap available on UEFN?

Hey Epic,

Could you consider making SizeMap available on UEFN?
The reason for this request is that the current UEFN lacks a way to visualize the overall data capacity of a project and which assets occupy what amount of space.

Currently, the available methods for visualizing project data in UEFN are as follows:

  1. Project Size
    The project size metric is not updated in situations where the session cannot be started (e.g., when the upload size is exceeded), making it unusable.

  2. Changing the view in the Content Browser to Columns
    When checking in the Content Browser, the information is limited to folder or filter units, which does not allow for a quick overview of the total capacity.

  3. Checking in Explorer
    Checking in Explorer does not provide asset type information, making it inconvenient to use.

As such, the available methods do not provide adequate functionality for visualizing project capacity. I would greatly appreciate it if you could enable SizeMap, which is supported in UE5, for use in UEFN.

Thank you for considering this request.

@YuyaShiotani Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.