So, I’ve noticed an annoying discrepancy. I have a blueprint allowing me to create a spline mesh. However, as this mesh gets quite large (which it can), this begins to produce problems. As I create or edit points on the spline, the construction script rebuilds the mesh. For small spline meshes, this is fine, but very quickly this becomes and incredibly slow procedure (my editor frame rate drops below 1fps while dragging the spline point). This is simply because every change I make to the spline triggers an update to the construction script, which, for large splines, is expensive, as it’s spawning and repositioning all the components.
My attempt at fixing this was to uncheck “run construction script on drag”, which works nicely when moving the entire blueprint, preventing it from updating until the move is complete, but has no effect on changing spline points. When editing the spline itself, the construction script still runs for every change made while dragging. This seems to be an oversight in the editor, and spline meshes would greatly benefit sharing this functionality with the standard drag operations.