Hi there. I’m currently making my own game right now, third person survival game. My question is, how do I get the character to be on the side of the screen when I hold or shoot my bow and arrow? Thanks
change the camera position or change to a different camera.
When the bow ready animation (the draw) is triggered, the camera socket offset to change not the target offset, or else the rotation will be messed up.
Thanks guys. This is what I came up with, pretty simple, however, it doesnt work.
The input mapping is Right Mouse Button but when I press it nothing happens.
I made another camera component, the Follow Cam being the main one and Arrow Cam as secondary one. Both with the exact same settings and both parented to the camera boom. The main cam is exactly behind the character while the second cam is slightly to the side.
if you want to use your method to swap the camera try the set active function and place a set active for the camera that you want to disable on false and another one for the new camera and enable it , or you can use a timeline and lerp the position of the camera like this