Want to talk about vector/transform variables in BP and it’s 3d widgets.
So, for example, I have blueprint actor, which is used as interactive object.
This BP have few vectors/transforms variables with “Editable” and “Show 3D Widget” options enabled.
They used to set where character must stand during interaction, where his hands must be, size and location of collision box component and so on.
When I put it into level, I want to select one of this variables widgets to move/rotate it.
But, by default, all this variables data are zeroed, and all it’s 3d widgets overlapped in one place and it’s very difficult to select one of them with mouse.
So I need to go into Properties tab, find required variable, set some values to shift it from 0, and then I can select it and adjust as I want with transform gizmo.
What I want to propose.
It would be very handy, if when I put this actor into level, then go to Properties tab, then find and click on required vector/transform variable (or place cursor in one of it’s fields), it’s 3D widget will be selected automatically, so I can adjust it with transform gizmo.
Thanks for your time