So I guess I don’t really know where to ask this and as the simple gogole search reveals nothing that I can translate to UE4… Anyone know how to do some really amazingly looking Architecture Virtualization in UE?
I guess specifically the lighting would be good to know, as good looking assets depend on texture/UV’s (and that depends on the skill of the artist) but any sort of help would be greatly appreciated if anyone has some knowledge/knows where to get it.
Isn’t an ArchViz project just a game without enemies or a score? Look at the Blueprint Office, Landscape, or Realistic Rendering projects in the marketplace. They’re all free and, push come to shove, you could just duplicate the project (in your library), delete the old assets and add in your own. All the assets in the free projects are free to use (assuming you have a license) for commercial projects so why reinvent the wheel? If Epic has created a project that fulfills your needs recycle the code.
You are correct in what you are saying; however the marketplace content that Epic has provided seems to me as a guide. They have shown you examples of what they’ve done, they have maps and projects that say ‘this is what we did and if you take me apart you’ll see how we did it’. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best of the best. They’re simple environments, they are high quality - but by the looks of things people are using different methods to achieve greater visual effects than what Epic has done (even though they’ve done an amazing job already!). I’ll use this video by Koola as an example:
I’m not necessarily asking people how Koola did the effects, I’m just wondering how people are going about doing this sort of thing as of late (as more and more archviz stuff keeps popping up)
Both one of Koola’s projects and epic’s Zen Garden should be available in the markeplace soon, I think they will be very useful for people interested in learning ArchViz.