I’d love to see a Align object feature in UE4. For example, select an actor → Press “Align To…” Button → Click another actor and the selected actor will move to the location of “another actor”. This will be very useful when we have buildings or other big meshes that was sliced to different pieces and rejoining them inside the editor. Matching the rotation and scale would be a great idea too.
Just curious, have you tried the Actor Snapping feature? It’s in the “View” drop down in the main level editor tool bar. Basically turn that on and drag actors around, and they will snap to the origin of other actors near the cursor.
No Mike i havent tried that
Hey Satheesh,
That is a great idea. Being able to align to an actor’s X, Y, Z, Scale and rotation. I have let the team know.
Best Regards,
Thank you Ryan.
Being able to align to MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ given the scaled bounding box of the object would also be handy.
I think it would also be great to have a grid that you can snap the Blueprint components to (as well as any other similar interfaces).
was there anything implemented in that matter?
i was looking into the editor keyboard shortcuts list and found quite a lot actions by searching for “align”. but none of those seem to really work…first of all you have to select both actors at the same time (which makes it hard to tell which one will be aligned to which; a more intuitive workflow would prolly be: select actor to be aligned, hold shortcut key, click on actor to be aligned on) and secondly none of those actions actually do what they tell, e.g. “Align to actor - aligns the actor with another actor” just moves one of the selected actors randomly around instead of aligning them onto each other…
would be great if someone could shed some light into how those are supposed to work.
i know its an old question. but its still completely relevant! would be great to get an official answer if this will be tackled at some point. its perceived a very basic feature and basically every other editor with a 3D viewport does have such align feature; and its vital if you want to align different modules together. the only way currently to do this, is to copy location and rotation manually over from one actor to the another, which is really cumbersome…
Hi ladies and gents,
actually I just like to support Ollinator (and the other guys) with this request.
I’m using 3ds Max and CryEngine under professional circumstances and especially when working with a modular asset (object) library, comfort features like “align object to object” really speed up the entire workflow.
Would love to see this (among some other interesting ergonomic features) in UnrealEd as well.
Can we getta’ cheeky bump to this feature request?
Now you can use this tool for alignment objects in Unreal Engine
Really really want this feature, like the way they do it in 3ds max (press alt + A, then click on actor to be aligned to), it allows you to pick from different options such as axis (x, y, z), and pivot/maximum/minimum etc
Super useful, right now unreal has Alt+A to attach actors, but maybe control alt A would be a good option for align
this feature is implemented in our plugin AssetBuilder Tools - AssetBuilder Tools in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Also you can use some basic features in free version of this tool here:
Hi can you please update your tool for 5.1? I would like to give it a try