The request is to integrate a new asset management system to the engine.
I am not confident, but I think this is the slower part of the engine. Almost everything you try to do with assets in your project will load every data of the asset and depending on the type, will build the asset even if you just want to delete or move or rename it.
This happens via editor actions and even via code: Some functions depend on loading the UObject, and the package loader trigger the build of the asset.
Also, there are numerous of systems in the engine that load the meshes sequentially without freeing memory, causing a lot of freezes and sometimes, crashes due to being out of memory. The crash is a pain because there are some (a lot of) systems that does not provide a ‘Cancel’ option to the slow task modal and when the crash happens, we lost all unsaved data.
This happens in Unreal and also in UEFN. It is terrible in a big project, if you try to change some properties of a batch of assets or just delete a folder containing more than 1 asset, will build the meshes/animations/metahumans/textures/compile shaders/idk and freeze the computer for several minutes.
If that is because of the references the asset could have, the request could be changed to a new reference system that does not trigger the build of all parts of the assets every time.