Reporting Issues for Documentation
2. Displaying Health, Energy and Ammo

> Script: Health, Energy and Ammo

  1. In the Graph under the Event Construct (+node), Right-click and add a Get Player Character node. (-then Cast To FirstPersonCharacter.)

(+ 2.5. Drag off the “Return Value” pin and select “Cast to FirstPersonCharacter”)

(+ 3.5. Click “Compile” in the toolbar to compile the script) – In UE 4.9 step 4 will not work until you do.

  1. (+Drag) off (+the pin from) MyCharacter (+and select) get Ammo(+.) (-and connect it to the Return Value of the Return Node.)

(+9.5. Connect the Ammo pin to the “Return Value” pin of the “ReturnNode” node.)

As instruction 9 is written on the page currently it’s almost uninteligable.

Documentation Page - Details Panel Customization
Original thread reporting issue

Engine version: 4.9.1
Detailed description of the issue:

  1. The term IDetailCategory is sometimes mistakenly used instead of IDetailCategoryBuilder.
  2. The information on the method GetProperty is out of date. GetProperty is a member of IDetailLayoutBuilder, not IDetailCategoryBuilder.

> Using a Post Process Material
“Simply assign one or more post process materials to a post process volume in the Misc section to the Blendables.”

The “Misc” section no longer exists.

Hi ,

I’m starting to learn UE4 and i read this page ( and found out there’s a part missing on the section “3” on that page: It doesn’t explain how to add a CameraComponent. Could you please take a look at it? Thanks!

Howdy again master_rigel!

I have just entered UEDOC-2480 to address this issue. I will be sure to let you know when I see a fix for this issue come through.


Just wanted to keep you updated. This Quick Start is now showing correctly in the TOC. Thanks for catching this.

Howdy Drout,

Thank you for your feedback. I have go onto this page and added in a quick line for how a CameraComponent is added to the Cube Actor. This change should be reflected after the new Doc Publishing.

Thanks again and have a great day!

Hi there. It would be helfpul to me to get a confirmation on this feedback .


Howdy Howdy,

Just got this page updated this morning. This will update will show live after the next publishing, which should be next week.

Thanks again!

  1. Following the Event Begin Play script, add a Get Player Controller then (+add a) Set Input Mode Game Only node.
2. Displaying Health, Energy and Ammo
This pic is no longer valid. Percent value has been moved under a new section called “Progress”.
3. Creating a Main Menu

  1. Select the first Vertical Box and in the Details panel, rename it to MainMenu, check the isVariable option and set ZOrder to 1.

A step is missing after step 6.

A step needs to be added to select the second Vertical Box and in the Details panel, rename it to OptionsMenu, check the isVariable option and set ZOrder to (?).
4. Scripting the Main Menu

(Replce Step 6. with these steps)
6. Drag off from MainMenu and add a Set Visibility node

6.1 Set In Visibility to Hidden

6.2 Drag off and add a Set Visibility node

6.3 Set In Visibility to Visible

6.4 Attach target to the OptionsMenu variable

UMG UI Designer Guide
> Getting Started

Widget Blueprints
Creating Widgets
Widget Type Reference

Those three items should be moved to the top of the table of contents for this section on the left in the order that they appear in the list provided.

Howdy master_rigel,

Page has been updated and the sentence will show correctly after the next publishing.

All of the images on this page have been updated and will show live after the next publishing.

I have created UEDOC-2495 and added this ticket to our Database. I will be sure to update you when any activity has been made on this ticket.

These additional steps have been added.

The TOC has been reorganized to list the pages in their correct order.

Thanks for all of the feedback!!

Hi! me again:) Could you, please, take a look at 4. Using Our Pawn and Components Together | Unreal Engine Documentation, on the Step #2 we can read: … so let’s open CollidingPawn.cpp …] - it should be CollidingPawn.h instead. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Menu Anchor

> Widget Details
> > Options Table
change “Placement” to “Render Transform”

Perhaps move “Blueprints Visual Scripting” above “Engine Features”

I am placing this feedback inside the issues topic because it is a serious issue for me. It is slowing down my learning of UE4 substantially.

I understand this change could be a bit drastic, but Blueprint is so pervasive across the engine (in materials, in umg, in “Gamplay Guide”, and almost all other scripting), that perhaps it should be introduced much earlier than it is presently. At the very least consider it an “engine feature”, and move to the top of that section because it has so many hooks into the way the engine works. Without it, someone who does not know C++ practically has their hands tied.

A) Following the documentation in linear form and cross-referencing the blueprints docs as I go, I am having to learn much by trial and error that is spelt out plain and simple in the blueprint docs.
B) It appears as though I can follow the blueprint docs relatively easily without having to reference other engine features so long as I’ve finished “Get Started with UE4” and “Unreal Editor ManuaL”

5. Test the Overlapping Actor

  1. Connect the output pin of the Equals node to the input (-Boolean) (+Condition) pin on the Branch node.


In 1.5 - Material Domain | Unreal Engine Documentation and all the Material page that refers to “Domain”, it is not updated with 4.9 possible Values.
Now there is a “UI” one.
