Hello I need some help.
I’m working on multyplayer in listener server with players who have hot bar.
When the listener server players plays the character get the hotbar through the player controller ( the motion of code is : the hotbar is spawn then it set itself as variable inside the player controller, then when the character is spawned it set the hotbar into itself )…
the problem arise when another client get in first the client pawn spawn on server but since it doesn’t have a hotbar yet it’s empty then the server spawn a pawn on client but it cannt get the hotbar from the controller cuz there is now another controller on the client, and it deosnt communicate with the controller on the server.
and then the hotbar of the client on the client spawn but the client controller on the server can’t access it and when the client pawn spawn it doesn’t have a values in the hot bar ,
I’m trying rpc between player controller but they won’t transfer the values what am I doing wrong ( couldn’t figure out how to both add pic and text but I could upload them later