Replication Of Widget Variables To Clients

I have just started to implement networking into my game, and I have hit a major issue. None of my variables seem to be showing up on the client’s Widget HUDs. When I run the game as the server, the screen looks like it should:
However, when I run it as a client, none of the values from my gamemode blueprint are showing up:
For example, the timer is set up to subtract 1 every second in my game mode blueprint, and it is referenced in the widget blueprint like so:
and the replication settings on my time variable in the game mode blueprint look like this:
And I get this error message:

Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue from function: 'ExecuteUbergraph_ShoterPlayerController' from node (Add to Viewport) in graph (EventGraph) in Object: (ShooterPlayerController) with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue

And I also get a couple more errors with very similar wording.

Sorry if this felt like an image dump or something but I’ve been racking my brain about this for ages, looked around in the internet and I couldn’t find anything. It may be useful to note that I have created my widgets in custom events in the Player Controller and they are based in the Client. Then I run them in the game mode blueprint. Thanks for any help :slight_smile: