I have an issue with Blend Spaces when they are replicated.
Using the Animation Starter pack I created a walk/strafe 2d blend space and am transitioning to it in my state machine. This all works as expected. I have the character BP set to replicate. When i PLAY the project with 2 characters i get 2 windows the client on the server.
On the server window all animations and blend spaces work perfectly. And also viewing the client character on the server window looks very smooth and the blend spaces are fluid.
On the client Side window the animations not in a Blend Space play fine. The ones I’m having an issue with are the animations in Blend Spaces . They are super choppy on the client side. But on the server side they are smooth.
Does anyone have an idea on how to address this? I can post a video if needed.
Any reason in particular that you are replicating an animation blueprint? You can just have the client and server handle them separately. Typically if it doesn’t affect the gameplay, you don’t need to replicate it. Since this is purely aesthetic, it probably doesn’t need replicated unless for some reason the animations effect the gameplay.
There are few examples I can think of though. Maybe if your player was climbing on a monster’s arm. You would want the animation on the monster to be in sync so the player is in the same position on both the client and server.
As of right now I’m not replicating anything in the animation blueprint. All of my replication is done in the Character Class Blueprint. Then in my animation blueprint (Event Graph) I’m taking the owning pawn and casting it to my character class, accessing my replicated variables and assigning there values to non replicated variables used for transitioning states in my state machine.
The animations are walk and strafe animations using them in a blend space. So its not that outside the box. Which makes this issues I’m having… weird.
Single players all the animations work and looks smooth. Blend Space animations included. When i switch it to multiple players (2) everything on the server looks perfect. Even watching the Client player move around he moves smooth no gitters viewed on the server screen.
On the client screen the server character moves smooth no gitters, but the actual client character viewed on the client window gitters or shakes when he does the blend space animations. The animations that are not in blend spaces (Jump , crouch, sprint) they are smooth, but once i enter the state that uses a blend space on the client it trips out.
I checked for replication settings on the blend spaces to try and play with them to see if i could resolve the issue, or understand it better. But there wasnt any replication settings for the blend spaces.
In my 2d Blend Space 1 axis is being driving by speed, and the second axis by direction. Both of those values are being set from a Character Movement Component. From what I understand the engine handles the replication of the Character Movement component. I am i wrong about that and there is something i need to configure with that component to work right with the blend spaces on the client in a replicated environment?