So the actor doesnt get destroyed (on server and clients which is very strange) and the client cant execute this function. I have no idea why this is happening. I hope I can get help here.
If I understood code correctly, that SR_StartInventar is executed on server only. From there (if you want to be executed on clients as well) you need to make call to multicast function.
You could create another function (eg. SR_StartInventar_Multicast) and make it replicated (select Replicated → Multicast). Then move all that code from SR_StartInventar to this function, and from SR_StartInventar make call to SR_StartInventar_Multicast.
Note: multicast function will be executed on server side as well.
Now word of warning: that destroy call won’t work on clients (this should be executed on owner’s side, which is in this case probably server). Clients should do only some stuff like animations but state should be managed on server. So you will need to separate that code after Switch Has Authority.