Replicating moves.

I know how replication works. I was thinking if there was an easier way that i can make my character sprint, dodge, roll and attack. My idea was maybe i can create an enum that holds all these functions and i can make a simple DoAction() function and replicate that, so that all my main movement functions can work under one function. What do you think? tips on how to implement this?

You could set up a Statemachine. There is a great one on the marketplace by Bruno: UFSM State-Machine in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

@Telimaktar im confused, arent statemachines souly for animation? I can use statemachines for online play to replicate functions too?

I use StateMachine to control my spacepod pawn’s logic. Docking, Launching, Returning, Collecting. Statemachine has uses in Animation and just about anything else.