I am having some problems achieving this certain concept. I am using Text To Speech service to generate Audio from written text, which is then imported to the Server UE4 instance using “Runtime Audio importer Plugin”. I am able to import the audio file as a soundwave and play it in the Server instance. That sound, however, isn’t replicated to any of the client instances. This makes sense, as for replication to work (for my knowledge) the same asset must be present in both the Server and the Client server. And this is true as when I try to play a sound that’s already loaded in the project, it is successfully replicated to all Client instances.
So any ideas on how to replicate that generated soundwave to all Instances? I have thought if maybe the audio could be streamed as if it was spoken through a mic audio is streamed through VOIP. Although I couldn’t determine what exactly what is needed to make such a system work. Any help will be greatly appreciated.