Replicating Collision/Visibility of Possessed Pawn

So basically I have two pawns which a player can alternate possession using input in a multiplayer game. In my Player Controller, I have an event which is replicated from the server to enable/disable collision and visibility of possessed/unpossessed pawns, and only works using the ‘Set Replicates’ node at begin play. However this also replicates the character movement in-game, causing a ‘laggy’ interaction.

Is there an alternative way to replicate collision/visibility rather than through replicating the character (mesh) directly? Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hey, for anyone wondering, I made an event inside the character blueprint which is replicated using multicast, which handles the visibility/collision and called from the Player Controller, passing in the character reference. This allows all clients to replicate visibility/collision rather than constantly replicating mesh.