Replicated Level Streaming

I have created a class in C++ that is used to randomly generate a grid based level from a seed.
It outputs the streaming level names and locations of each tile.

In blueprints I then read this information and create a level instance for each tile, in a similar way to what the gentleman in this video does here.

I am having trouble replicating this level to all clients. Is there way to create level instances on the server, and load the same instance on all clients?

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I have the same issue. Would have thought this would just happen but it does not. Really not sure why or how to resolve this yet. If you get a solution let me know. If get one, I’ll let you know.

Hello, similar question here.
I have sub level not “always loaded”, but “BP loaded”. When I load them on server with “Load level instance” on server only, Clients sees nothing. When I multicast the “Load level instance”, then all clients see the level, but the actors in the level are not replicated. When the actors in the loaded level per “Load level instance” begin to move, nothing happens on client side. I used the same actors in “always” loaded sublevel, so it must have related to load level in bp per “Load level instance”.
I search web but found no answer… how properly load a sublevel with replicated actors with “Load level instance” so the actors are replicated in normal way, like movement and everything else?

This is literally my problem right now too, was trying to play with “Load Stream Level” but still no luck.

I’d also like to know this. I can generate the same procedural world on each client by using the same seed, but if those levels have replicated actors in them they become a problem because then they exist on every instance of the game instead of just being on the server and then replicated to each client. It would be really nice to learn a way to generate the procedural world on the server and have it replicated to the clients.

Has there ever been a solution found for this?

I am trying to Load Stream Level with a level that is not originally a sublevel, but a “layer” that is loaded from a .PAK file. There is no way to load it since its not initially a sublevel, and I hear about Load Level Instance, but then hear the actors are not replicated.

Has anyone found a solution for this yet? Having exactly the same issues

Same issue here, has anyone found the solution?