I’m interested in getting connected clients’ Steam avatars and displaying them to the server and other connected clients. I am using the Advanced Sessions plugin. I can’t seem to get the unique net id for the players to replicate however I try.
I’m storing player information in a structure and I’ve tried passing the unique net id into the structure, but by the time I try to pull the data and set a binded UMG variable, the net ID is invalid. The output from printing the string of the ID is “ERROR: Bad Net ID”.
I also tried to store the return value for the “Get Steam Friend Avatar” node, which is a Texture 2D, but it also becomes either null or invalid by the time it gets to UMG.
I will gladly post more specifics on how I’m handling the whole process if needed, but if anyone knows in general if this is possible or how I might go about doing it, any tips would be much appreciated.
Late reply here, but no, unfortunately I still have not. I’ve shelved this issue to work on more pressing things, hoping something comes up by the time I get back to it.
Anecdotally, I did figure out how to pull avatars from my friends’ list, but that same method didn’t work across non-friend accounts. There must be a way to do this, because Tekken 7 does it, but I’m not sure if it’s possible using the Advanced Sessions BP plugin or not.
Well today my friend and I (mostly my friend Ryan) found a strange workaround. We don’t know why the ID is invalid, but is possible to convert the ID into a string and send the string to clients. The strings then can be converted back into ID with the “Create Steam ID From string” node. It worked for us so far but this node’s tooltip only says that it is useful for testing so not sure if it would work 100% all the time. (Engine and Advanced Session Plugin version: 4.26.2)