Then I try this, this makes the client see the servers aim offset, but the server does not see the client aim offset. This happens with all of the blend options.
Don’t use replicated variables on Animation Blueprints because I don’t think they replicate at all. Instead use the replicated variable in your character blueprint and then just pass that value to the animation blueprint.
I have tested both with and without replicated variables and the same result appears. The client can see the servers aim offset, but the server does not see the clients aim offset.
Because replication happens only from server to clients. You need to call a server function and tell to calculate the pitch. This way both server are aware of the replicated value, and it is replicated to clients.
Here’s my setup (it’s for 3rd person but idea is the same)
Character blueprint - CallUpdateAimAngle happens on Tick (for you it should only start when in combat)
Thank you very much Holybreath.
I will have a look at it when I got the time for it. With Christmas holidays coming up and all. There is little time for game dev.