Replicate Array in ActorComponent

Thank you for your response, currently I do use Client/Multicast RPCs for inventory, I was trying to rework it for a few reasons. I need to have inventories that are shared for multiple players, e.g. chests where players can put items, in which case I need to use Multicasts to share contents of such inventories. Similarly, I want to have equipment inventory, i.e. items which player has currently equipped, and I want to share that across the network so that other clients can update their local actors.

I don’t like using RPCs for that since they are not guaranteed to arrive in the order I send them, so inventories can get desynced at times. Also, for shared inventories, when a new client joins the game, I have to manually call RPCs to sync all existing inventories that should be shared.

Using replicated array seems like a better solution to me, and arrays do auto replicate correctly if I try to replicate them in player actor instead of inventory.

Also, according to some older references this should be possible:

Though they don’t specifically mention replicating arrays in ActorComponent, only in Actors.