Hi, I am stuck in middle of making replay system using memory streamer.
After digging it, I got several questions about it.
- It seems like my replay is being deleted whenever I tried to stop recording it. In ‘StopRecordingReplay’ function of GameInstance, there is ‘CurrentWorld->DestroyDemoNetDriver();’ and it is actually deleting replay just recorded.
- I am not really sure if I am passing correct URL when start recording. Now I am passing random name. However, In the ‘StartRecordingReplay’ function of GameInstance, it is trying to replace substring of URL somehow like ‘DemoName.ReplaceInline( TEXT( “%m” ), *CurrentWorld->GetMapName() );’. So, is there any specific format for this name?
- Similar to Q.2. When playing replay, what should be in the name parameter in ‘PlayReplay’ function? Now I am passing same name I made when start recording.
- After playing it, seems like character is stuck in ground. I can’t move, and system is generating same log every frame: ‘LogWorld: Warning: SetActiveLevelCollection attempted to use an out of date DemoNetDriver: DemoNetDriver’
Partial answer would be very appreciated. Please anybody give my your hand!