Replay system error on build


We added the replay feature to our project and so far it works perfectly in the editor allowing us to record and replay entire matches without an issue, but it simply wont replay any match on build.

On build it allows to record and save the replay, but it always fails to play the replay with the following error:

[2023.03.01-12.29.29:938][ 45]LogDemo: PlayReplay: Attempting to play demo …/…/…/PoliceMultiplayerSim/Saved/Demos/18150_BARFriskMap_Yellow_42.
[2023.03.01-12.29.29:941][ 46]LogDemo: Warning: UDemoNetDriver::ReplayStreamingReady: Failed. DemoNotFound
[2023.03.01-12.29.29:941][ 46]LogDemo: Warning: Demo playback failure: ‘DemoNotFound’
[2023.03.01-12.29.29:941][ 46]LogDemo: StopDemo: Demo …/…/…/PoliceMultiplayerSim/Saved/Demos/18150_BARFriskMap_Yellow_42. stopped at frame 0
[2023.03.01-12.29.29:941][ 46]LogLocalFileReplay: Warning: FLocalFileNetworkReplayStreamer::StopStreaming. Called while existing StartStreaming request wasn’t finished

As for additional details we are using Unreal engine 5.03 currently but we are moving to UE5.1.1 very soon, and the build is for windows.

So far I have been unable to find any information regarding this error in the documentation, so any insight that you may have to fix or circumvent this issue will be appreciated.

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Same issue here…