Replacing SM_CineCam with a mesh that casts shadows

HI all

I have created “camera1” that I hope to act as a Drone POV in Sequencer. I’d like to attach a drone mesh to the camera that casts shadows on the environment. Initially I thought I could simply replace the SM_CineCam mesh with a Drone mesh and it’d work straight out of the box but that doesn’t seem to be working.

Any tips would be most appreciated…

So what exactly is stopping you from attaching the mesh?

Hi, thanks for the reply. Nothing is stopping me from replacing SM_CineCam with another mesh - but any new mesh doesn’t cast a shadow…
In Maya i’d simply constrain a mesh to the Camera and that would do the trick. Wondering if there’s a similar way to do this in Unreal.

To clarify, a newly added attached static mesh component (with assigned mesh) does not cast shadow? Because the mesh of the CineCam shouldn’t be able to cast shadow, for sure.

Confirmed. I don’t expect the CineCam to cast a shadow - I would like to assign/constrain or replace CineCam mesh with a custom mesh that DOES cast a shadow.

It will not work as mentioned above. Why not attach a static mesh component?

To clarify, a newly added attached
static mesh component



This does not make sense. It works fine. How are you doing this?

What are you doing differently?


Image from Gyazo

And you can, of course, attach the camera to the drone mesh instead, which will make more sense, naturally.

Ace! Apologies. Totally new to Unreal (and should have mentioned). Did not look at Details/+Add Component and now that you’ve pointed it out (wonderfully demonstrated below) - it’s working as you say. Feel stupid but happily know better now. Thank you!

The component inheritance chains are much more complex in UE4. For example, the cameras inherit directly from scene components:

whereas Static Mesh Components get all the additional benefits of being able to render geometry thanks to having a Primitive as a parent:

In short, the mesh of the camera is just for show, it does not contribute to anything.

Ah, no worries. I was getting confused at this point.

And you can, of course, attach the camera to the drone mesh instead, which will make more sense, naturally.

lol. That’s subjective of course;) In Cinematics we’re animating Cameras first and foremost. In this one instance it was decided a certain camera would be great if it were mimicing a drone POV. The drone idea came about organically - an afterthought - and not in the original layout. But I hear ya. Thanks for your help - all best!

Fair enough. That makes a lot of sense, actually. Good luck with the rest.