Replacing Mesh with Destructible Mesh

Hey! :slight_smile:

I’m working on RTS game and I created a BP for building (static mesh) and it works fine. Now I want add a function that when the building will be destroyed, it will be break to some pices so I create a destructible mesh:

but I don’t know how to add this DM to the building’s BP and enable it when building’s health == 0.

Thanks for help!

The way I do it is:

  1. Create a Destructable Component to your Actor Blueprint

…In game thing dies or explodes whatever…

  1. Set your regular mesh visibility off and collision

  2. Target your DesctructComp and “SetDestructibleMesh”

  3. Apply a physics force such as an Impulse or Radial Impulse.

Thats the high level overview. Hope it helps =)

Thanks for the replay! :slight_smile:
I tried to do what you said and I added this to the BP

So when the building had been destroyed it switched to the destructible mesh but there is no any animation of the breaking building. Here is the result:
(I change the DM building so it won’t be same as the building’s mesh for better understanding.)

I would put GetActorLocation for the origin, increase your radius to 100 and the strength to 1000 to start with on the impulse. =)

Ok, I tried this and the result is same.

Now it looks a bit strange


that does look strange,

  1. Did you turn off the collision of the original mesh
  2. Make sure the call is only getting called once, cause it looks like its getting reset.

If it still has issues, can you post a screenshot of your blueprint plz?

Yes, the call was on tick and I forgot to add a “DoOnce” node. >< Thanks!